I started an undergrad college course this week. Those of you who have known me for a long time are surely snickering, if this is the first you've heard of it. Yes, I said never again when I graduated, but here I am.
It's Computer Science 101, which is essentially an intro to Java programming. Work is paying for it. The course has been all right so far, other than big hassles over the textbook (my second attempt at ordering online left Long Island at midnight last night; the first book I ordered was marked as shipped for a few days before they e-mailed me and said "oops, we actually meant out of stock") and the parking pass. It'll be nice to finally have a marketable skill when this is done. And I understand now why my friend Josh has the nickname "JOptionPain".
I've only been out of school for five years, but it's amazing how old I feel walking around campus, even in a night class at MCC where there are many non-traditional students. Not quite as weird as joining the church we're attending now and realizing that the college students put Liana and me in the same demographic as their parents even though we were only a few years older than they were, but odd nonetheless.
In a lot of ways, mid-twenties are a more awkward time socially than teenage years, though I at least feel less awkward now. Most of the time.
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