Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Get Around

A few weeks ago, we sold one of our two cars in order to pay off the last of our student loans. This is the first time in my post-license life I've not had a car entirely to myself, and it's a very odd feeling. If I want to go somewhere and Liana needs the car, I either need to find a ride (and be at the mercy of the schedules of others) or get out Google maps and try to determine the most efficient way to get us both where we need to go.

This is nothing new for many of you, I'm sure. I remember years ago many of my friends got cars, then got jobs so they could afford to keep their cars, and consequently had little time to drive anywhere other than school or work. I never experienced that at the time, but I'm definitely there now - the classic "time and money are inversely proportional" situation. It's also given me a new respect for those who have never been able to afford a car at all, who are always reliant on rides, public transit or walking.

I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, and having the extra several hundred dollars a month is worth it, but decade-old habits are hard to break.

1 comment:

  1. Justin and I are down to one car now, too. We did a trial period of just leaving his car in the driveway for a few months (just to see if we could make it work) and then sold it. He bikes or takes the bus to work since we live about a mile away from his office, and I get the car. The hardest thing to coordinate has been Dr. appointments, but luckily I can work from home anytime I want, so it hasn't been too bad. You'll totally get used to it!
